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76.6% of the respondents took part in an evaluation of the interview series. To gauge their skills, they were asked to complete several tasks on their phone. For some of the questions, there is a large difference between the treatment and control group! In all questions, the treatment group fared better, often by a surprising amount.

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Dramatic group difference in ability to connect to Wifi

The treatment group has a far higher succes rate when it comes to completing this task.

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EV1. (Wi-Fi) My phone’s hotspot is turned on, and is called [your hotspot name here]. Show me how you can connect to it. (All respondents)

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EV1. (Wi-Fi) My phone’s hotspot is turned on, and is called [your hotspot name here]. Show me how you can connect to it. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
71.2% 13.6% 9.1% 6.1% EV1. (Wi-Fi) My phone’s hotspot is turned on,…No problems completing the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor DifficultiesUnable to complete the task
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EV1. (Wi-Fi) My phone’s hotspot is turned on, and is called [your hotspot name here]. Show me how you can connect to it. (Control)

Group: Control
43.6% 23.6% 20% 12.7% EV1. (Wi-Fi) My phone’s hotspot is turned on,…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV2. (Google Maps) Ive been wondering where the nearest library is around here. Use your phone to direct me to the nearest one. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
53% 19.7% 16.7% 10.6% EV2. (Google Maps) I’ve been wondering whe…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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EV2. (Google Maps) Ive been wondering where the nearest library is around here. Use your phone to direct me to the nearest one. (Control)

Group: Control
38.2% 32.7% 16.4% 12.7% EV2. (Google Maps) I’ve been wondering whe…Unable to complete the taskNo problems completing the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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Big group difference in ability to point to library in Google Maps

The treatment group has a far higher succes rate when it comes to completing this task.

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Notes from EV2, where answer is 'Major dificulties'

EV2. (Google Maps) I’ve been wondering where the nearest library is around here. Use your phone to direct me to the nearest one.: Major Difficulties
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Notes from EV2, where answer is 'Unable to complete the task'

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Slight group difference in ability to do a web search

In the treatment group, 8% more respondents abre able to do a simple web search without problems.

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EV3. (Searching the web) Yesterday, my friend and I had an argument about which cities were the most populated in the world. Use your phone to find the top 3. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
69.7% 16.7% 9.1% EV3. (Searching the web) Yesterday, my friend…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV3. (Searching the web) Yesterday, my friend and I had an argument about which cities were the most populated in the world. Use your phone to find the top 3. (Control)

Group: Control
61.8% 14.5% 14.5% 9.1% EV3. (Searching the web) Yesterday, my friend…No problems completing the taskMajor DifficultiesUnable to complete the taskMinor Difficulties
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EV5. (Finding and Installing a trustworthy apps) Ive been researching a trip to China, and would like to learn some Mandarin Chinese before I go. Use your phone to find and install an app that I can trust to help me practice. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
51.5% 24.2% 15.2% 9.1% CountNo problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV5. (Finding and Installing a trustworthy apps) Ive been researching a trip to China, and would like to learn some Mandarin Chinese before I go. Use your phone to find and install an app that I can trust to help me practice. (Control)

Group: Control
36.4% 34.5% 18.2% 10.9% CountNo problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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Large group difference in the ability to find and install an app

The treatment group has a far higher succes rate when it comes to completing this task.

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Notes from EV5, where answer is 'No problems completing or minor dificulties'

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Notes from EV5, where answer is 'Unable to complete the task'

EV5.-Finding-and-Installing-a-trustworthy-apps-I’ve-been-researching-a-trip-to-China-and-would-like-to-learn-some-Mandarin-Chinese-before-I-go.-Use-your-phone-to-find-and-install-an-app-that-I-can-tru: Unable to complete the task
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Slight group and gender difference in showing storage

The treatment is a bit more succesful in pointing out the available space on their phone. Males are a bit more succesful than females for this task.

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EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running out of space. Using your phone, show me how I would check if my own phone is almost full. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
86.4% 9.1% EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running ou…No problems completing the taskMinor DifficultiesUnable to complete the taskMajor Difficulties
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EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running out of space. Using your phone, show me how I would check if my own phone is almost full. (Treatment)

Gender: Male
86.9% 6.6% EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running ou…No problems completing the taskMinor DifficultiesUnable to complete the taskMajor Difficulties
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EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running out of space. Using your phone, show me how I would check if my own phone is almost full. (Treatment)

Group: Control
78.2% 10.9% 7.3% EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running ou…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running out of space. Using your phone, show me how I would check if my own phone is almost full. (Treatment)

Gender: Female
78.3% 10% 8.3% EV6. (Storage) My phone is always running ou…No problems completing the taskMinor DifficultiesUnable to complete the taskMajor Difficulties
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EV7. (Storage) Now, if I want to download an app, show me how I can tell if it will be too big to fit on my phone. (Treatment)

Group: Treatment
54.5% 21.2% 18.2% 6.1% EV7. (Storage) Now, if I want to download an …No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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EV7. (Storage) Now, if I want to download an app, show me how I can tell if it will be too big to fit on my phone. (Control)

Group: Control
34.5% 32.7% 27.3% 5.5% EV7. (Storage) Now, if I want to download an …Unable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesNo problems completing the taskMajor Difficulties
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Dramatic group difference in finding out if an app fits on phone

The treatment group has a far higher succes rate when it comes to completing this task.

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EV9. (Passwords) Without actually changing it, show me, or tell me the steps to change your password on facebook or email.

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54.5% 29.8% 9.1% 6.6% EV9. (Passwords) Without actually changing it,…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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Almost no difference in ability to change Facebook or Email password

For these 2 different tasks, there was no large difference between groups or gender.

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EV10. (Passwords 2) Let’s pretend you need to make a new facebook account. Show me how you would create a new password.

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62% 21.5% 10.7% 5.8% EV10. (Passwords 2) Let’s pretend you need t…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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Recovering a lost password: medium group difference, large gender difference

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EV11. Imagine you have lost your password for instagram/facebook/email. Can you tell us the steps to recover it? - All

59.5% 31.4% 6.6% EV11. Imagine you have lost your password f…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV11. Imagine you have lost your password for instagram/facebook/email. Can you tell us the steps to recover it? - Treatment

Group: Treatment
62.1% 31.8% EV11. Imagine you have lost your password f…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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EV11. Imagine you have lost your password for instagram/facebook/email. Can you tell us the steps to recover it? - Male

Gender: Male
65.6% 27.9% EV11. Imagine you have lost your password f…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV11. Imagine you have lost your password for instagram/facebook/email. Can you tell us the steps to recover it? - Control

Group: Control
56.4% 30.9% 12.7% EV11. Imagine you have lost your password f…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor Difficulties
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EV11. Imagine you have lost your password for instagram/facebook/email. Can you tell us the steps to recover it? - Female

Gender: Female
53.3% 35% 8.3% EV11. Imagine you have lost your password f…No problems completing the taskUnable to complete the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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EV12. (Browser settings) Show us one way to reduce data costs when you are using a browser (e.g. Opera Mini).

Group: Treatment
51.5% 31.8% 10.6% 6.1% EV12. (Browser settings) Show us one way to …Unable to complete the taskNo problems completing the taskMinor DifficultiesMajor Difficulties
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EV12. (Browser settings) Show us one way to reduce data costs when you are using a browser (e.g. Opera Mini).

Group: Control
50.9% 23.6% 16.4% 9.1% EV12. (Browser settings) Show us one way to …Unable to complete the taskNo problems completing the taskMajor DifficultiesMinor Difficulties
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Adjusting browser settings for cutting costs is hard

Showing a way to reduce data costs while using a browser proved to be a difficult tasks, as more than half of the respondents couldn't complete it.

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Extra: Password strength

We ran the passwords that the respondents created for the question EV10. (Passwords 2) Let’s pretend you need to make a new facebook account. Show me how you would create a new password through a password strength checker. Most respondents pick a password that is to risky or easy to guess.

There are interesting difference between genders: females have a larger share of 'pretty good', and 'strong' passwords, but are more likely than men to pick a risky password.

Unfortunately there is no large difference between the treatment and control group here.

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EV10 Added - Password strength score - Women

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EV10 Added - Password strength score - Women

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EV10 Added - Password strength score

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31.5% 22.2% 16.7% 14.8% 13.9% EV10 Added - Password strength score2: Easy to guess1: Risky password5: Very strong (currently almost imposible to crac…3: Pretty good (basic online protection)4: Strong (basic offline cracking protection)#N/A
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Evaluation Trivia Questions

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EV16.a. From whom do you get access to the internet?

48.4% 22.8% 17.9% 6% EV16.a. From whom do you get access to the i…Through data bundlesFrom my network provider (by buying a da…Through WifiThrough schoolA CyberThrough workThrough a hotspotThrough Church
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EV16.b. What is an app?

23.4% 76.6% EV16.b. What is an app?I don't know(2 other)
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Number of Respondent datacards grouped by EV16.c.. What is a website?
32.9% 13.3% 53.8% EV16.c.. What is a website?I don't knowA collection / group of web pages(85 other)
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RespondentEV16.b. What is an app?
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EV16.d. What is a browser?

22.2% 73.4% EV16.d. What is a browser?I don't knowAn application used to access and view we…Other
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EV16.e. Who can create apps, that you can download to your phone?

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36.7% 15.2% 13.3% 10.8% 19.6% EV16.e. Who can create apps, that you can do…Software engineers / IT specialists / Progra…I don't knowAnybodyAnyone with the right knowledgeSafaricomBy the internet.By the phone manufacturers or for those t…(31 other)
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EV16.f. Who can create websites you visit?

Filter by Group
46.8% 26.6% 13.3% 11.4% EV16.f. Who can create websites you visit?Web Designers / Software engineers / IT s…I don't knowAnyoneCompaniesAlso the same groups and people(18 other)
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RespondentEV16.d. What is a browser?
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Last updated: 1 day ago